Neural Dynamics and Neural Engineering Lab

Positiongs and News


"We are in the process of recruiting lab members."

Click to learn more

Sujith Vijayan

  Postdoctoral Openings

We are interested in recruiting postdocs to undertake a wide variety of data analysis, experimental, and computational modeling projects in the lab. See here for details about one such openings.

  Graduate Students

We have a wide variety of clearly defined and exciting computational modeling, data analysis, and experimental projects and are looking to recruit graduate students to undertake them. If you are currently a graduate student at Virginia Tech and are interested in joining the lab, please contact Dr. Vijayan (neuron99 AT to discuss potential projects and to set up a lab rotation.
Prospective graduate students should apply to one of the following graduate programs:
Biomedical Engineering
Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health (TBMH)
School of Neuroscience
Genetics, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (GBCB)

  Research Assistant Position

We have an opening for a research assistant. Duties of the research assistant may include working on model construction, data collection, data organization, and data analysis and coordinating projects with other members of the laboratory. The candidate will have the opportunity to co-author publications and, depending on background and experience, craft their own research projects. Training and guidance and will be provided for those aspects of the job in which the candidate is lacking sufficient expertise. This position would be well suited for someone who is considering graduate school in neuroscience, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, or medical school. See detailed ad here.

  Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduates who are interested in becoming a part of our research team. If you are interested in joining the lab please e-mail Dr. Vijayan (neuron99 AT a resume, unofficial transcripts, and a one-page letter on why you are interested in joining the lab and how working in the lab fits in with your future career objectives.


"Spring 2024 End-of-Semester Lab Gathering: Congratulations to James Hardy, Leah Lee, and Eliza Overlock on graduating! We wish you all the best in the next chapter of your lives."

May 2024

Sujith Vijayan

"Congratulations to Andrew Kvavilashvili for completing his Master's degree in Translational Biological and Medical Health Sciences. We wish you the best of luck at your new position at Inova!"

December 2022

Sujith Vijayan

"Congratulations to Giovanni Malaty for beginning his residency at the Barrow Neurological Institute. We wish you the best!"

Fall 2021

Sujith Vijayan

"Best of luck and congratulations to Sparsh Jain for starting his new position as a Ph.D. student at VTTI"

Summer 2021

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Chin-Hui Chen has joined the lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome!"

Spring 2021

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Jeremy Decker has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!"

Spring 2021

Sujith Vijayan

"Congratulations to Alisa Huskey on starting her new position as a postoctoral research associate in the Insomnia and Sleep Health Research Laboratory at the University of Arizona! We wish you the best!"

Fall 2020

Sujith Vijayan

"Best of luck and congratulations to Patrick Rafael for starting as a graduate student in statistics at Northern Illinois University!"

Fall 2020

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Sam Peake has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!"

Fall 2019

Sujith Vijayan

"We are excited to announce that Andrew Kvavilashvili will be taking on a new role in our lab as a graduate student!"

Fall 2019

Sujith Vijayan

"Congratulations to Abhinuv Pitale on completing his Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering. We wish you the best in your new position as an engineer at the Kitty Hawk Corporation"

Spring 2019

Sujith Vijayan

"Congratulations to Naresh Nagabushan on completing his Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering. We wish you the best in your new position as a computer vision engineer at Verkada"

Spring 2019

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Patrick Rafael has joined the lab as a technician. Welcome!"

Summer 2019

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Alisa Huskey has joined the lab as a technician. Welcome!"

Summer 2019

Sujith Vijayan

"Best of luck to Roan Parrish in starting his graduate career in STS at Virignia Tech!"

Spring 2018

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Sparsh Jain has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!"

Fall 2018

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Giovanni Malaty has joined the lab as a medical student. Welcome!"

Fall 2018

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Gavin Vess has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!"

Fall 2018

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Sparsh Jain has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!"

Fall 2018

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Andrew Kvavilashvili has joined the lab as a technician. Welcome!"

Summer 2018

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Young-Ah Rho has joined the lab as a postdoc. Welcome!"

February 2018

Sujith Vijayan

"Look for our chapter “Inferring neuronal network mechanisms underlying anesthesia-induced oscillations using mathematical models” in the book In Dynamic Neuroscience, coming out next month!"

December 2017

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Abhinuv Pitale has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!"

December 2017

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Cavan Fleming has joined the lab as a postdoc. Welcome!"

December 2017

Sujith Vijayan

" Our work on system identification for sleep-mediated, stimulation-enhanced memory consolidation was presented at the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. This work will appear as a paper in the Asilomar Conference proceedings."

November 2017

Sujith Vijayan

"Our work on the relationship between coherence and the phase-locking value is now out in the Journal of Theoretical Biology."

September 2017

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Roan Parrish has joined the lab as a technician. Welcome!"

September 2017

Sujith Vijayan

"We are pleased that Naresh Nagabushan has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!"

August 2017

Sujith Vijayan

"The paper with our colleagues at UPenn and the Allen Institute is now available on bioRciv! We present a computational model of a lossless neural integrator for perceptual decision-making."

July 2017

Sujith Vijayan

"Excited to be starting up the lab at Virginia Tech in July!"

July 2017

Sujith Vijayan